CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Cascading, inheritance, selectors and their specificity. This section is about best practices and our experience with structured oocss.

> Work with CSS, not against it. (<a href="http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2012/05/02/cross-browser-debugging-css">source</a>)

CSS 101

  • The box model
  • floats
  • margin, padding, line-height
  • units (px, em, rem, % for starters)
  • colors
  • typography
  • browser landscape
  • media queries
  • Apply and explain CSS “cascade” including: importance, specificity and inheritance
  • Differentiate between basic web color principles: RGB, RGBA, hexadecimal color, HSL
  • Experiment with CSS properties and values to change styling of a page
  • Define CSS Box Model, and demonstrate the ability to properly manipulate the “box” around tags
  • Differentiate between classes vs IDs and apply best practices when implementing
  • Select nested elements to apply styling
  • refactoring
  • design patterns
  • CSS property hacks, conditionally included .css files
  • media queries or mobile specific layouts/CSS?
  • What are some of the “gotchas” for writing efficient CSS?
  • Differentiate between basic web color principles: RGB, RGBA, hexadecimal color, HSL
  • Experiment with CSS properties and values to change styling of a page
  • Define CSS Box Model, and demonstrate the ability to properly manipulate the “box” around tags
  • Differentiate between classes vs IDs and apply best practices when implementing
  • Select nested elements to apply styling
  • Anatomy of a CSS rule
  • The CSS cascade: Browsers deal with conflicting rules by:
  1. Importance
  2. Origin (author, user, browser)
  3. Specificity
  4. Source order

CSS structure

Most of this is inspired by the BEM Method and SMACSS.

Base, layout, module and theme. These are the layers we use to divide our css.


  • Config (variables for color, typography and layout)
  • Mixins
  • Elements (customized normalize.css)


  • Helpers
  • Grid


  • Navigation etc.


  • Most won’t need this.

CSS Sizing

Percent is wacky in CSS: Top/bottom padding = % of width. Height = % height of container. Line-height = % of font-size. Too prescriptive. - http://code.hopeglory.com/technique/modern-css-sizing-advice

CSS Line-height

CSS Typography

CSS Methods

Here’s a list of methods often used with CSS.


Alternatively, we can apply the * { box-sizing: border-box; } method and be fine without the extra container. - http://paulirish.com/2012/box-sizing-border-box-ftw - https://github.com/Schepp/box-sizing-polyfill


Image-replacement (ir)


css methods - word-wrapping - http://www.quirksmode.org/oddsandends/wbr.html - http://blog.kenneth.io/blog/2012/03/04/word-wrapping-hypernation-using-css/


If a submodule changes the layout or positioning of it’s parent and base module, consider creating a new module instead.


margin on left or right or negative columns only on children?


This grid’s two basic components are ‘grids’ and ‘units’. A grid always contains one or more units and these units should always be direct children.

Responsive webdesign

Responsive webdesign.

Feature detection

Every browser supports different properties in different ways. It’s a lot better than it was ten years ago but still there’s work to do. Feature detection vs browser detection

Enter Modernizr.


Getting started with Flexbox